4 - A Sketch of Robert Harrild's home Round Hill House in Sydenham by Mary Snelling
1) - A Sketch of Robert Harrild's home, Round Hill House in Sydenham by Mary Snelling 2) Round Hill House, creative commons image courtesy of httpswww.flickr.comphotosstevegrindlay1698238384inphotostream#not-found
Robert Harrild lived at Round Hill House in Sydenhem, when he moved there much of Sydenham was just fields. He purchased many batches of land, included what was going to be George Baxter house 'The Retreat" and built many houses in the area.
Round Hill House, I believe, in the 1930's became "The Sydenham and Forest Hill Social Club but became very run down and was demolished in the 1960's to make way for the small estate that now covers the site of the house and its garden. All that survives from Round Hill House is the spire (that might be another story) and a splendid Cedar of Lebanon."
This sketch was done by Mary Snelling the daughter of Francis & Ann Snelling