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I have been an avid collector of Baxter Prints since I purchased my first print 'So Tired' in 1984. Over 30 years on I am still an avid collector, continually adding to and improving my own extensive collection, this means that I have acquired (and keep acquiring) many duplicate quality and rare items. It was in 2002 that I launched as a method of disposing of these many duplicates as well as spreading the word of George Baxter and his work around the globe.

During that time I have had the pleasure of speaking to most of the collectors around the world in such counties as Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, all across Europe and as far away as China. We have spoken to relatives of Baxter and his licencees and also to descendants of people Baxter depicted in his prints some giving me invaluable background and insight in the prints. I also deal with many of the leading institutional collections around the globe, enhancing their collections as well as supplying items to be used as actual examples on academic courses studying early colour printing.


I now spend a lot of time researching Baxter's life, his prints and also his Licencees and other colour printers (by hand presses) around the mid Victorian or early period. I will hopefully publish much of this research on this website as time allows.


I am always very happy to give advice, pass on information and help where ever I can. We are always happy to talk 'Baxter' and Victorian colour printing.


I look forward to talking to you - Mic



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