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Print: Baxter CL 284   - Published in the small pocket books for 1848 Carnan's Ladies' Complete Pocket Book and Le Souvenir and issued separately by Baxter. It can only be found on Baxter’s Blue Lined Mount (BLM), not on later Red Seal and Embossed Mounts which started about 1849 / 50. Obviously only issued for quite a short period which is most probably the reason for its scarcity. This and Duke of Buccleuch's Residence are often said to be of a more pastel tone than any other Baxter’s small views. They were both on the same plate and I feel have a softer tone as these prints would have been only printed from wood blocks rather metal as in prints from the mid 1850’s onwards.


When in a pocket book under the print is the title and "Baxter's Patent Oil Printing, 11, Northampton Square," and "From a Painting by S. Fisher,"


The description of the print from the Souvenir states: "The mansion of Claremont, near Esher, in Surrey, was originally built by the Duke of Newcastle, who named it from his title of Earl of Clare.  It was subsequently purchased by Lord Clive, who pulled it down and employed the celebrated “Capability" Brown to erect the building which now exists.  After having passed through the possession of Lord Tyrconnell and C. R. Ellis, Esq., it became the property of Prince Leopold, the husband of the late Princess Charlotte, and now King of Belgium…Standing on an elevation, its north and east fronts command extensive views over Clagget Woods and a fine opening towards Box Hill, and the scenery of Norbury Park and Fetcham.  The south side looks towards St. George's Hill, but is very much closed up by wood.”


Queen Victoria lived in the house in the early part of 1848, then Louis Philippe went to reside there in the same year on his deposition in France, and was ultimately buried from there, so that at the time it was published in Le Souvenir the house would have been of great interest. 


The building now operates as the Claremont Fan Court School with the grounds run by the National Trust


Date: 1847


Size (cm ht x w): 5.9 x 9.1 (print) 14.7 x 19.6 (mount)


State: On Blue Line Mount as issued


Condition: Excellent colours, light toning to all four corners from being mounted in an album, the reason it has most probably managed to retain its colours for the last 170 years

Claremont – BLM

SKU: 1610

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