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Baxter Prints of Hollyhocks and Gardeners Shed on Playing Cards
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Playing Cards AC BA-18-2-A George Baxter Eng - AC BA-18-1-A

I picked up this image many years ago from somewhere unknown so unfortunately I can't give anyone any credit for it. All but it shows Baxter's Prints Hollyhocks (CL276) and the Gardeners Shed (CL 275) on the back of playing cards. Presumably the rest in the set also had different backs perhaps with other works of art, possibly even more Baxter Prints?

I have no date for them but they do look more mid 20th century to me from the image. The only other detail I have is something I recorded with the image at the time "Playing Cards AC BA-18-2-A George Baxter Eng - AC BA-18-1-A" Perhaps this is some sort of a reference to a Playing Cards catalogue?

Both Baxter prints are after the Victorian painter Valentine Bartholomew but these cards 'credit' Baxter as the source.

Can anyone help with any information on these?

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