Print: Baxter CL 317 published in the pocket book Suttaby's Le Souvenir for 1849 and also issued separately by Baxter. Baxter sometimes referred to this as "View of the Wye from Symonds Yatt."
The following is the description of the print from the above pocket-book:
"The frontispiece to this book represents a view from a desolate rock-quarry near Symonds Yatt on the Wye. Symonds is in St. Briavals Hundred, Glostershire (Sic) Gloucestershire, nearly four miles from Coleford, whence the views on the river are exceedingly striking. The summit above the eminence is crowned by an ancient encampment. The river here makes a singular curve, for although the direct distance by land is not more than 600 yards, the course by water exceeds four miles. Our thanks are due to Mrs. Baldock for the kind loan of the picture from which the engraving is taken."
Under the print on the steel plate is engraved the title and "Baxter's Patent Oil Printing, 11, Northampton Square," and "From a Painting by J. Tennant.”
Date: 1848
Size (cm ht x w): 5.6 x 8.9
State: Lightly stuck to thin card and over mounted on modern cream
Condition: Very good
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SKU: 1704
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