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1547 Castle of Heidleberg on the Rhine


Print: Print: LB 27, CL 51 – An important castle had been at Heidleberg for hundreds of years but with the King moving the administration centre to Munich in the late 1600’s the castle fell into disrepair. It became an important site, Turner painted the view of the castle and river many times. In the mid 1850’s the castle started to be restored and lighting was installed in 1860. An old heritage site that was obviously still of great interest at this period.

This was used as an illustration to Peacock, Mansfield & Sons' pocket-book The New Forget-me-not or Ladies' Fashionable Remembrancer for 1852

Above it is the front of the Chapel of St. Udalrick, and on the left of this is the octagon tower of the horloge. 


Date: 1851


Size (cm ht x w): 6.1 x 9.4


State: Unmounted


Condition: Excellent

Castle of Heidleberg on the Rhine

SKU: 1547

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